How to Mix Hair Colours and Achieve Grey Cover
Herbatint colours may require some mixing if you wish to cover more than 20% grey hair. So if you have more than 20% grey you should do the following. For hair that has 20% grey or less any colour from the range will normally cover grey hair completely, so long as you use a colour similar to your natural hue or a shade lighter or darker than that. For more radical highlifts or going significantly darker it is best to seek colour advice so call our UK FREEPHONE 0800 594 7706.
1) To begin with determine your natural base shade within the colour range 1N to 8N.
2) Having identified your base shade decide if you simply want to
A) achieve that shade and coverage or
B) if you wish to enhance with an extra tone?
If you have answered
A) simply use the Natural colour from the range and this will achieve 100% grey cover used by itself. For example if you are naturally a light mousey brown shade choose 7N Blonde for example.
If you have answered
B) then use the base shade tone, for example 7N, and to this you can consider mixing in:
- 7N Blonde and 7D Golden Blonde to achieve a Golden Blonde tone overall and complete grey cover.
- 7N Blonde and 7M Mahogany Blonde to achieve a Mahogany Blonde tone overall and complete grey cover.
- 7N Blonde and 7R Copper Blonde to achieve a Copper Blonde tone overall and complete grey cover.
- 7N Blonde and 7C Ash Blonde to achieve an Ash Blonde tone overall and complete grey cover.
- 7N Blonde and FF1 Henna Red to achieve a Henna Red shade overall and complete grey cover.
These colours can be mixed initially in a 50/50 ratio. For example:
30ml Herbatint 7N
30ml Herbatint 7D
60ml Developer
Should grey hair become more resistant simply increase the N colour in the mix. For example:
40ml Herbatint 7N
20ml Herbatint 7D
60ml Developer
Stubborn, resistant grey hair?
Having applied the colour mix to your hair or roots you can either:
Put a shower cap on or wrap the hair in clingfilm for the duration of the development time.
Use a hairdryer on a gentle heat setting and run over resistant areas (hairline, temples) for the first 5-10 minutes of development time.
In both cases heat will help encourage the cuticle to open to deposit the colour pigments inside.
You can also mix other numbers together which will overall affect the tone as well as shade. For example:
7N Blonde can be mixed with 6D Dark Golden Blonde to achieve a 6 ½ shade with gold tone.
7N Blonde can be mixed with 8D Light Golden Blonde to achieve a 71/2 shade with gold tone.
Still not sure what is best for you? Then call our UK FREEPHONE 0800 594 7706 for colour advice.
Remember! Herbatint is economical and you simply pour what you need and keep remaining product for subsequent applications.